Tuesday 24 August 2010

Dear Fundamentalist Muslim

Dear Fundamentalist Muslim,

Do you really want to take on the West? Do you really want to bring a fight against the United States and Her Allies? Is violence and hate-speech your only language? Because if so, then I will speak to you in the language you understand. Let me tell you something that hopefully will sink into that thick skull of yours. You will lose!! Utterly.

If the United States and Her Allies felt remotely inclined to take up your challenge, She will put you back into the Stone Age. The US will destroy you and eat you for breakfast even during Ramadan. You are merely a midget throwing your fists aimlessly against an 8ft giant with one of his hands on your head keeping you at arm’s length. Even if you get in a punch, the retaliation against you will be ten fold.

Now, I’m not saying that Western society is perfect. Far from it. But what makes it superior to yours, is that it NOT based on Sharia Law. Where Human Rights (to an extent?) are protected. Where Freedom of Speech is sacred and NOT Bronze Aged tribalism. Where women’s rights are equal to that of a man’s, and scripture is not the absolute source of moral guidance. Yes, we have problems with this way of thinking in our own society, but the majority of our citizens, even the self-professed devoutly religious, have looked beyond these ideals.

Let me reiterate. You are up against a giant you cannot possibly win. If the US felt like it needed to retaliate with full force, you will die. Your actions and words will only provoke this, and give the US reason to come at you with its fullest and most powerful arsenal.

The alternative however, is to reconcile, to compromise, and to recognise that we all share this beautiful planet together and must learn to live with one another, love one another, and respect one another. I’d expect these kinds of values to be universal and values that we can all share. All your words and actions will provide, is your own doom.

Yours truly,

Acidic Skeptic.

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