Tuesday 21 December 2010

Catholic Cult Of Mind

I know someone in person, who I used to have on my friends list on Facebook before he removed me. He's a "proud Catholic" and he tried, and failed, to debate me on religion all the time.

I think what made him finally remove me was on the issue of condoms, and how the Pope further proved himself a hypocrite when he recently said that condoms were OK 'some of the time'. This person was trying to make the point that abstinence was the most effective way of preventing STD's, but what he could not understand was that its just not in humans' nature to be abstinent; a nature which he would believe God created.

He was arguing that because condoms are NOT 100% effective at preventing STD's, by promoting the use of condoms, that I was condemning millions of people to death. A moron, right?

But when I asked him "How long has the Catholic church been promoting abstinence?", which is thousands of years and given the fact that it has not worked, condoms are the next best thing. He finally quit and then removed me.

You see, as a person, he's fine. He and others like him who have been brainwashed [he doesn't think he's been brainwashed] to argue for and defend the Catholic cult from an early age, despite all evidence linking them to child RAPE, protecting paedophile priests, obscene wealth, and subjugation and discrimination of women for thousands of years.

How anyone can call themselves a "proud Catholic" is beyond belief to me. But there are, and I am moved to feel physically sick.