The believers in the god of Abraham love to have it both ways. They entertain the idea that the god that they believe in is both simultaneously all-loving/all-merciful and all-powerful. This claim is self-refuting, meaning that such a god cannot exist by definition.
If this were true we'd really be living in an Alice In Wonderland kind of world. You can't just say that 'God is all-loving' and yet make excuses why the world contains genocide, murder, rape, torture, etc. Think about it. Are there any circumstances with which an all-loving being, of any kind, would be content with a creation that contains so much hatred? Likewise, if this god is also all-powerful, then 'His Will' (love, kindness, tolerance) could and would be imposed universally.
The issue of free will with the existence of such a being also has a major flaw. If God's omniscience (all-knowingness) is true, and that this god has knowledge of what WILL happen, then logically it is impossible to accept that such a god is all-loving. If such a god is simply an 'observer' and sees what IS going on and what IS going to happen, then what power does he really have? He would be simply bone-idol and doesn't see it fit to act.
And is free will really worth it? The police would have more power and morals than god. Say, for instance, there is something terrible happening, like a rape. Is this god so firm and supportive of human free will that he would say "Oh, there's a rape happening. But I shouldn't interfere because I don't want to intrude on the rapist's free will." It's pathetic. You and I have more morals than such a god. At least we would either try to stop it happening or alert the authorities.
The idea that God is both all-loving and all-powerful just does not make sense, once one grasps reality. And that's the underlining issue here. The god of Abraham does NOT exist by definition. It is logically untenable. If a god does exist, then he is either all-powerful (can perform miracles, etc) but not all-loving (not concerned with human well-being), or all-loving but not all-powerful. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
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