Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Why Criticise Religion?

For those who may be against or may feel slightly uncomfortable about my outspoken atheism and opposition to religion, well, diddums! I LIKE ripping on religion. In the very least it deserves it for making itself such an easy target.

If there were any remote truth and sound argumentation behind religious faith, then it wouldn’t need to be criticised so heavily. But the fact that people are so quick to leap on top of it like a ticking bomb, shielding it from scrutiny and criticism shouting and chanting “No, no, no! You can’t criticise it!” needs to wake the fuck up before they get blown to bits!

I am sick and tired of this notion that religion outright deserves to be respected. Has it ever occurred to anyone that the refusal to be openly scrutinised in open discourse is one of the reasons it has persisted for so long? The very fact that even now in the 21st century, it still finds it difficult to be criticised is evident enough of its baloney claims. And then there’s the issue of fundamentalists.

Let me clear something up right away. On theological grounds, the fundamentalists are right, or in the least they have a fair point to make. If for example, Jesus really IS the Messiah (John 14:6 KJV), then it is the fundamentalists, based on this assumption, who are acting accordingly to their faith. If Jesus really IS the Messiah, then the Muslims have fabricated His Word and the Jews, by killing Jesus, have done the most gruesome, terrible, treacherous thing ever conceivable. And what’s more, they don’t even have the shame about it by staying Jewish and not converting to Christianity.

The moderates will protest saying that that was a long time ago, but is Jesus the Messiah or is he not? Make up your mind!

I see the need to criticise religion because I see it as a lie, based on myths, which were plausible for their time, but now are rendered meaningless with massive scientific advance in the past century. Plus, given the fact that one of the top reasons (if not THE top reason) given for violence, genocide, persecution of homosexuals, etc, etc, are based on religious grounds, how can any reasonable person able to see this NOT be outspoken against religion?

History is showing that societies, especially in the West, are becoming less religious anyway. So why stop now? Join in! If only for the 'lulz'.

1 comment:

  1. I look at religion like infomercials. I will pause on it for a moment if I see something flashy, but typically I move on. I think most people who watch the entire thing and then order are just lonely and looking for a new change in their life and something to talk about. Well, the Ramco fruit juicer and acne treatment system gives them just that - a sense of accomplishment, inclusion, and something shiny and new. What does religion do?
